out of 5

4 Responses

  1. There are many ways to brew coffee out there but for overall quality for ease of use it’s the Technivorm for me. No putzing around, great coffee every time.

  2. Thanks, great article Mark! Love it when we encourage experimentation with no single “best” method after all coffee taste is subjective.

  3. I bought this brewer not thinking of it as a Chemex so I’ve been using it as a V60 and enjoy it a lot as a replacement for my weathered resin V60. What if you adjusted your technique to a total 3min brew? Maybe then the coffee would be more than just “okay”?

    1. I did some experimenting with this device, extending the brew time via a finer grind (but using Hario’s recommended brewing technique) and the coffee was over-extracted to my taste. I also tried stirs and pour, bloom, pour, pause, pours and again, I felt the resulting cup had too many bitters for my taste. There’s no side extraction at all, which most other pourovers (melitta, kalitta, v60, flower, etc) all provide. Typically, with a Chemex, you’d go even coarser, but you’re also brewing larger batches – up to 1l or more, so things balance out a bit.

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