
The world's most read coffee and espresso resource

Cafe Culture Down Under

George Sabados, in his (now retired) column “An Australian Viewpoint,” talks about cafe culture in Australia and New Zealand – how it developed, how it compares to the US, and where it’s going.

Barista Basics, or Not!

George Sabados, an espresso expert and consultant in Australia, writes about how cafes and coffee houses need to get back to basics to increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Setting the Coffee Scene in Asia

Paul Pratt starts off with a short article to set the tone for what his column will be about – the coffee scene and culture in South East Asia, and Hong Kong.

Mediocre Coffee: It’s Your Fault

In this instalment, De Lazzer talks about drip coffee faults in cafes, and your role as a consumer in making coffee shop and cafe coffee and espresso better.

Vancouver: Where Coffee Trainers Go to Die

Coming back into the fold at CG, Aaron De Lazzer is a guy with a lot to get off his chest about the coffee and espresso scene in Vancouver – from behind the scenes.

My Espresso is Cold!

Are you experiencing the cold espresso blues? This week we look at some tips and tricks to get the temperatures just right.

How I Became a Coffee Geek

A shamelessly selfish synopsis of how I became a Coffeegeek. Make yourself an espresso, you’re going to need it.