
The world's most read coffee and espresso resource

State of Coffee

Mark Prince
State of Coffee Columnist

Mark Prince

Mark has certified as a Canadian, USA, and World Barista Championship Judge in both sensory and technical fields, as well as working as an instructor in coffee and espresso training. He started CoffeeGeek in 2001.

Column Info

The State of Coffee column covers everything from the controversial to the commonplace in the world of coffee and espresso. We’ll look at current trends, techniques, technologies and methodologies. We’ll also explore the cultural aspects of coffee and espresso.

A detailed and frank look at the controversies surrounding this year's WBC, from judging choices to the social events, and suggestions on how to improve for next year in Japan.
Mark Prince takes a hard look at the coffee scene in mass media - and wonders why coffee isn't getting the same level of exposure as fine wines or other culinary styles and favourites.
Due to way too popular demand (mainly in his email box), Mark is presenting a long researched "espresso glossary", which will eventually be part of our mega Espresso Guide.
Mark Prince takes a controversial view of the Canadian coffee scene as he previews this year's Canadian Coffee and Tea Expo.
Mark Prince comes out of self-imposed exile to give us the low down on the brand spankin' new version of the CoffeeGeek website!
Mark Prince gives a strong viewpoint on the current Coffee Crisis, and offers up some advice on how CoffeeGeek readers can help resolve it.
Mark tallies up the numbers and presents them along with some random thoughts from the recent site survey.
Lots of questionnaires filled out, and lots of comments to peruse - Mark answers a whole whack of them this week.
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