CoffeeGeek Blog

The world's most read coffee and espresso resource

We’re super excited around here for the relaunch of the CoffeeGeek website. A new writing team, a new focus, a new Blog… heck, an entirely new website, and we’re just getting started on everything.

We already have lots of articles on the website detailing the process of getting from there (a 11 year old website design) to here (a super modern and vibrant, mobile friendly website design) so I won’t rehash (hit the coffeegeek website tag above if you want to read all the articles about the rebuild). I can say that for the first time in about five months, I can actually sleep more than 5 hours a night!

We still have tons of work to do here, behind the scenes, but I’m very proud to announce one of the big things we’ve been working on: our website’s relaunch celebration!

Celebrate with Us and Win!

We have a huge sweepstakes contest starting right now to celebrate the relaunch of CoffeeGeek. As excited as I am about our relaunch, some of our favourite businesses in coffee are just as excited, including Breville, Baratza, Bonavita and Acaia. All four have provided us with some amazing prizes to give away during the month of April.

That banner you see above is at the top of various pages on the website and drives you to our Sweepstakes page (nb, the contest. is over), where you can enter the contest up to 12 times. 

We’ve got some amazing prizes. The grand prize is the Breville Barista Express espresso machine, an all in one and the number one selling espresso machine on the planet, for good reason. We did a First Look for the Express, go check it out. Breville also ponied up the best grind and brew coffee brewer on the market – the Grind Control Brewer.

Baratza, our most loyal and valued site sponsor, offered up a Virtuoso + and an Encore Grinder (your choice of colour). Both will serve a coffee lover well in their kitchen.

Bonavita offered up not one, but two auto drip coffee makers: the SCA certified Connoisseur, and the digital 8 Cup Brewer (also SCA certified).

And Acaia; with the new website, they wanted to get more involved, and their first round is taking part in this sweepstakes. They’re giving away a Pearl and a Lunar grinder two two lucky winners.

While I wish we could have made this contest valid world wide, I did work hard to get all the sweepstakes partners agree to ship the prizes to eligible winners in both Canada and the USA (looking out for my Canadian brethren). 

The contest runs until the end of the month: make sure you enter soon and often, as the odds will be incredibly good for winning one of these great prizes!

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