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Since I’m still new at CoffeeGeek, it seemed natural I should write about my favorite brewing method by a long, long measure.

I love the V60. The Hario V60. It changed my relationship with coffee forever. The thing is, I didn’t know a lot about the origin or background on the V60, so I spent the last little while diving into its history and why so many people just like me are entirely fascinated with this brewer.

The Birth of a Coffee Legend

Picture this: It’s 2004, and a Japanese company called Hario, long known for its high quality glass, siphon coffee makers, tea sets and more, is on a mission to revolutionize the coffee brewing scene. For years they’ve been working on a brewer, and in that year, they finally introduced it: the Hario V60.

A new coffee pour over device designed around a new paper filter design: a cone. As for the name, the V60 was designed around a 60 degree angle for the filter paper, and it was V-shaped. V60 came naturally. Hario’s coffee scientists believed this angle was crucial to optimal extraction with the vane system they built into the filter holders.

By 2005, the V60 was making rounds in niche specialty coffee circles in Japan. By 2008, the people at the (now defunct) coffee blog Barismo heard about it and started telling CoffeeGeeks in the USA about it. By 2009, it hit our shores, and everything changed. Pour Over became, almost overnight, the thing to do in coffee, Move over Melitta, the V60 has arrived.

Customization Nirvana

You know what makes the Hario V60 so irresistible? It’s the level of control it gives you over your brew. With this usurper in the pour over world, you’re the boss. You can tweak every variable to create your dream cup of coffee. Grind size? Check. Water temperature? Check. Pour rate? Check.

It’s like a coffee lover’s playground where you can experiment until you find that magical combination that suits your taste buds. Want a stronger brew? Adjust the grind size or pour a little slower. Craving a lighter cup? Do the opposite. The V60 lets you customize your brew like a coffee sensei.

Unleashing the Flavor Fiesta

Now, let’s talk about the real deal: flavor. The Hario V60 is stellar at showcasing the unique personality of specialty coffees. How does it do that, you ask? Well, a big part of it is the innovative paper filters Hario designed, that are like coffee exposure aids. Melitta has their flavor pores; Chemex has their triple fold. Hario has a paper they designed from the start to put a spotlight on coffee. Just make sure you get the Made in Japan papers!

The Hario V60 filter papers remove all the oils and sediment (some argue that’s a bad thing: I do not), leaving you with a clean, pure cup of coffee clarity. No distractions, just the pure essence of those meticulously roasted beans. It’s like the V60 has a direct line to the coffee gods, bringing out all the intricate flavors and subtle notes in each sip. It’s a flavor fiesta that’ll make your taste buds find new fun things to explore.

The flavor also comes from how you work the V60. Your timings, your pour rates, your pauses and your pour pattern. For me, it’s always a ceremony.

The Coffee Ceremony

Brewing with the Hario V60 is more than just making coffee; I treat it like a full-blown ceremony.

Imagine this: you stand at your kitchen counter, gooseneck kettle in one hand, V60 dripper in the other, and a grin on your face. You pour the water over the coffee grounds in slow, deliberate circles, watching as the magic happens. Pause for that luscious bloom. Smell the aromas, knowing you’re going to be tasting those very soon. Continue your pour and that intricate pattern you’ve worked years on. The brew flows through those spiral ridges, like a river of liquid gold, and lands in your cup with precision.

It’s a mesmerizing sight, an art form that adds a dash of elegance to your morning routine. The V60 turns your coffee brewing into a ritual, an experience that’s as delightful as the coffee itself.

Single Cup Love Affair

If you’re a fan of brewing just the right amount of coffee for yourself, the Hario V60 is the ultimate wingman. This beauty is all about the single cup game. No more brewing big batches that sit on the burner, losing their freshness and flavor. With the V60, you can make that perfect cup of aromatic coffee every single time. It’s efficient, convenient, and tailor-made for those who appreciate the art of brewing without the need for quantity.

This is where my grinder of choice becomes a joy instead of a burden. Using the CoffeeGeek ratio of 1:14, grinding out 17.5g of coffee on my Timemore C2 Chestnut grinder is fast, and almost therapeutic. I don’t think I’d like to grind out 60+ grams for a batch brewer auto drip machine on the Chestnut, but taking a minute or so to grind for 250ml brewed is part of the ritual and I have to say, a fun part of it, because I’m the motor that makes it happen.

It’s not all solo though. The Hario V60 comes in two common sizes – the 01 and the 02 – and the more uncommon size of the 03. The 02 size can easily brew up two cups of savoury brew to share. What I especially like is that it really drives home the benefits of quality over quantity. Brewing in the 02 means my partner and I get 200ml each of a superlative coffee. If we want more, the ritual starts all over again.

The Hype and the Community

You know why the Hario V60 has become such a sensation? It’s because of the love and enthusiasm of the coffee community. People can’t stop raving about this little brewer.

The V60 is a star of social media posts, youtube channels, brewing competitions, and coffee shop conversations. And let’s not forget the online communities, including Reddit, where coffee lovers unite to share brewing tips, recipes, and stories about their V60 adventures. Other than the AeroPress and Espresso, the V60 was the most talked about subject for 10 years in CoffeeGeek’s old forums.

It’s like a semi-secret club, where the V60 is the badge of honor and everyone’s invited. The Hario V60 has brought people together, creating a buzz that can only come from a shared love of exceptional coffee.

And the recipes! I mean, I learned what “bypass brewing” was because of the V60. I learned controlled bypass brewing. I learned about Tetsu Kasuya’s 4:6 method! This simple little brewer presents so many ways to experiment, learn, and make better coffee.

Tetsu Kasuya’s 4:6 method, explained.


What’s not to love? The Hario V60 has re-energized specialty coffee’s passion for pour over coffee, and in turn, it’s made coffee better for all of us. With its customization options, flavor clarity, and the joyous coffee ceremony it brings, the V60 is more than just a coffee maker: it’s a brewing companion that elevates your coffee experience to new heights.

So grab your V60, gather some fresh beans, reach for your favorite hand grinder, and get ready to embark on a flavor adventure like no other. Cheers to the Hario V60, a true hero of coffee brewing!

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One Response

  1. Counting how many V60s I have… Six. I have six different V60, one is a 01, two are plastic 02s, two are ceramic, the glass one I got for $1 at a thriftstore (!), 2 AIR kettles and 3 carafes. Yeah, I’d say I’m a fan, too.

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